Taught both in Mulhouse and in Strasbourg, the Art department brings together dedicated visual artists and theoreticians for a curricula based on experimentation with different media (painting, sculpture, graphic art, sound art, photography, installations, new media, performances…) so as to promote the emergence of unique practices. Taking risks, testing and venturing to shape artists and give meaning and direction to the art of today and tomorrow.
An Art department located on two campuses
Workgroups of the Art Department of the Haute école des arts du Rhin (HEAR) are: Le Plateau in Mulhouse and Hors-format, La Fabrique, Narraction, No Name and Peinture(s) in Strasbourg. Artists and theoreticians develop different approaches to art supported by the thoroughgoing practice of various mediums, techniques and materials. This range of possibilities enables the invention of open and personalised experimental domains in which students organise their courses according to their practice and their project.
Alongside this time of experimentation and artistic research, a common core (technical learning, workshops, platforms, transversal courses, etc.) enriches the student’s project. In addition, theoretical courses incorporating a wide variety of approaches (historical, thematic, transversal) constitute an educational programme in their own right that feeds the whole of the student’s curriculum. In the Master programme, the supervision of the visual research developed by the student is coordinated with that of a Master thesis in which issues and questions related to personal work are developed.
National Diplomas
– DNA National Diploma in Art (awarding a Bachelor’s degree)
– Higher National Diploma of Visual Expression (awarding a Master’s degree)
Admissions start in year when following the school’s regular curriculum, and transfers are accepted in year, and after committee approval.
Contact Strasbourg
Julie Gigout
+33 (0)3 69 06 37 85
Contact Mulhouse
Rosalie Behra
+33 (0)3 69 76 61 02
Strasbourg Faculty
Mulhouse Faculty

Six workgroups

Hors-format | Performance, media-arts (Strasbourg)
The Hors-format workgroup consists of artist-teachers, theoreticians, guest artists and students. Together they analyze and construct artistic events in order to experiment with ways to create, transmit and analyze instability by using time, space, image, text, sound, the body and the relationship with technology as malleable media.

La Fabrique | Scultpure & installation (Strasbourg)
At La Fabrique, sculpture may be produced in large formats. The teachers have a sculpture, moulding, drawing and photography practice and a site-specific work. Throughout the course, students acquire tools for the presentation, communication and dissemination of their work in order to facilitate integration into contemporary art networks.

Le Plateau | Mixed media (Mulhouse)
Le Plateau articulates diferent teachings around a common project in order to encourage the particular project of each student. No technical expertise or any particular medium is prioritised, Sound Arts, painting, volume, photography, video, intermedia, set design and exhibition practices have a common concern: experimentation with space as an artistic concern.

Narraction| Mixed media (Strasbourg)
Narraction is a group dedicated to the moving image, exploring new forms of image and contemporary narratives. The aim is to explore the tensions between self-narratives and collective histories, to consider issues relating to the environment, and to explore narrative forms through the audiovisual medium and animation, as well as drawing, volume, installation, performance, etc.

No Name | Mixed media, art & science (Strasbourg)
The No Name group places the question of enquiry at the heart of its teaching: a process of both theoretical and practical exploration that precedes all artistic production and from which forms emerge. The aim is to think of art as a constant articulation between theory as practice (how do we look at and imagine the world? The social? The political? etc.) and practice insofar as it itself bears and generates theories (poetics and artistic forms shape ways of looking, imagining and thinking).

Peinture(s) | Painting (Strasbourg)
In Peinture(s), an introduction to the techniques of painting, drawing and
printmaking encourages the development of a personal formal language.
Peinture(s) draws its project from the paradoxical space of the studio : a place of withdrawal, work and concentration that translate the world into forms.
Transversal platforms
Sonic in Mulhouse, IMPRESSION(s) in Mulhouse and Strasbourg, as well as Sonorités in Strasbourg: these platforms are open to students from each of the workgroups in the Art department.

A workshop dedicated to sound practices : Sonic (Mulhouse)
Sonic is based on a programme of workshops and conferences. Students have the opportunity to learn the history of sound in the arts and to tackle diferent audio techniques in an equiped studio. In this context, each student can experiment with various approaches: installations, performances, experimental music, sound poetry, improvisation, publications. Sonic welcomes an Artist-in-Residence for a period of one month each year.

Printmaking workshop: IMPRESSION(s) (Mulhouse and Strasbourg)
In years 2 and 3, IMPRESSION(s) is designed for students sensitive to printmaking who wish to further explore the potential of this particular universe. The main objective is to create new forms related to this practice. This is where students become familiar with the practice and concepts of the field, without formal limits. The platform organise several workshops and field trips.

Sonorités (Strasbourg)
Sonorités is a working platform dedicated to sound and performance practices in all their diversity. Sound is considered not only for its own sake, but also in combination with other media and other practices. Voice, writing, action art, performance, noise, recorded, fabricated and composed sound, music, (live) concerts, radio (FM, streaming, podcast), installations, staged sound, sound as space or volume, sound and image (synchronised or not, illustrative or offbeat, etc.) are all places where transdisciplinarity can be expressed and experimented with.
Exhibition spaces within the school
Students can experiment exhibiting their works in diferent spaces, both in Mulhouse and in Strasbourg. The exhibition team ofers professional support with regard to the various technical aspects of exhibiting, production, logitics and management of an exhibition. La Chaufferie is the HEAR exhibition gallery and is located in Strasbourg.
It is a venue that is open to artistic events, exhibitions by artists (whether French or international Artists-in-Residence) and students. As an experimental space, it enables students to work on the practical organisation of an event and to participate in the production of artworks in collaboration with invited artists.